Event Overview


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Learn. Network. Share. Miami
On the eve of the year 2020, AIJA steps boldly into the third decade of the 21st century by gathering for its 2019 Half-Year October Conference in the beautiful and dynamic city of Miami. Nestled between world-renowned beaches and a delicate wetlands eco-system, lies the seventh largest metropolitan region in the United States. Miami is a legal, financial, trade and transportation powerhouse, the gateway to North and South America, and a cultural melting pot. 

Business in Latin America. International litigation. Energy in the age of renewables. Leadership and diversity
Join AIJA and Miami’s diverse and multi-lingual legal community for a top-notch academic programme focusing on business in Latin America, the hottest topics in international litigation, and energy in the age of renewables. In addition, the Miami Half-Year Conference will feature a diversity and leadership-focused SCILL programme.

Embrace the AIJA spirit and see you in Miami!
Home hospitality and an unforgettable social programme will introduce you to Miami’s warmth and welcoming spirit as well as to its legendary entertainment venues and scene.







Academic programme overview

TRACK #1 | Doing business in LATAM 2020: Getting to a legal state of bliss
Latin America has experienced important changes and new challenges have been developing. This seminar will address hot topics and recent developments on international trade and investments. The presentations will be relevant to delegates who work in a global environment and to those who want to enhance their cross-border exposure, focusing on legal issues related to both cross-border transactions, e-commerce and international trade as well as on providing input with respect to LATAM’s latest challenges and best practices.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Do’s and Don’ts of agency, distribution and franchise agreements in Latin America
  • Legal framework for e-commerce in LATAM
  • Free trade or protectionism: Recent developments on international trade and investments
  • The new compliance landscape in Latin America and its practical impact
  • A review of the Latin American M&A market
  • Managing competition law and related regulatory risk in LATAM - tips, tricks and trends to watch out for

TRACK #2 | Cross-border disputes 2020: What to expect in the coming decade
As international disputes lawyers look forward to the third decade of the twenty-first century it is clear that they will be contending with a shifting legal landscape. The 2020s will see the filing and resolution of disputes in the post-Brexit and post-Trump era. Will favourite venues for the resolution of high-stakes cross-border disputes be displaced by emerging venues? Will we see continued convergence of legal practices and cultures in the coming decade or will inward-looking nationalistic attitudes lead to renewed divergence? How will a maturing litigation financing industry affect our practice? Will legal specialisation among international litigators and tribunals continue to define our evolving practice and, if so, how can you become a sought-after international litigation specialist? Join a forward-looking discussion on these and other practical issues that will shape the practice of international litigation in the coming decade.

Topics to be discussed:

  • Convergence or divergence – International litigation in the post-Trump and post-Brexit era
  • Shifting legal landscapes – Emerging venues for the resolution of high-stakes cross-border disputes
  • Litigation financing – Where to from here?
  • Will legal specialisation among international practitioners continue to be the name of the game?
  • Future evidence – Proving your case in the 2020s
  • Litigation tech - 2020 and beyond

TRACK #3 | Oil & gas 2020: Fossil fuels in a renewable world
The world is going through a major game changer. Economy will no longer be mainly driven by fossil fuels, but steadily by renewables. This brings along challenges for the industry and citizens, resulting in a different regulatory framework, environmental litigations and new investments opportunities. This transition is currently ongoing and as lawyers, we have to keep up the pace. Miami will be the place to get the latest updates and insider views from all over the world.

Topics to be discussed:

Energy companies and climate change

  • Renewable energies: A real call for an oil & gas phasing out?
  • The role of oil & gas companies and information to their shareholders regarding climate change commitments - effects of banning oil and gas shares in portfolios
  • Clean energy certificates and reduction certificate emissions - their role in the decreasing use of fossil fuels
    Import and export of oil & gas
  • Key concerns of oil and gas project development in Latin America in order to properly export
  • Key concerns of importing countries & Energy supply security

Environmental & safety barriers to overcome in oil & gas projects

  • Oil & gas companies and (environmental) safety issues (keynote)
  • Energy project finance and the Equator Principles
  • Environmental consenting and quasi-consenting

JOINT TRACK | Leading strategically in an interdependent, diverse and complex world.

In today's world of increasing interdependency, diversity and complexity, it is vital to utilize either/or AND both/and thinking and acting to address your most strategic challenges and opportunities. The research is clear - leaders, teams and organizations that leverage Polarities (aka paradox, dilemma, intractable conflict) outperform those that don't.  Join Leslie DePol, CEO & Co-Founder of Polarity Partnerships, in re-examining some of the strategies we employ to reduce our vulnerability and negative exposure from a provocative and more aspirational point of view: Do we focus on what’s best for the Company or our Community? Do we innovate boldly or mitigate risk wisely? Should I lead with my role or soul?  Should we protect our uniqueness or drive more alignment?  Should I take a stand for my interests or compromise to accommodate your interests? There are right and wrong ways to approach these chronic dilemmas.  In this workshop you will learn a simple process and apply it to some of your most complex challenges to achieve better outcomes for yourself AND others.

Session proposed by the Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) Commission

PANEL SESSION | M&A Transactions in the Americas and Europe - Similarities And Differences

 Same, same but different.  While agreements for corporate acquisitions may seem similar all over the world at first glance, differences are often quite material when you look in more detail. Differences can be found in e.g. purchase price mechanisms, impact of disclosure on the parties’ liability and representations and warranties.  A selected group of M&A practitioners from Europe, South America and the US will look at process, structure and agreements of M&A transactions and discuss differences and the reasons for such differences.  

Session proposed by the  Corporate and M&A Commission on Friday 1 November from 10.00 to 12.00



AIJA is striving to offer continuous professional development opportunities also during its main events. 2 coaching options will be offered to all attendees during the AIJA Half-Year conference from 29 October to 2 November in Miami. Check out here to register to the proposed coaching sessions. Number of places are limited. Allocation of slots will be made on a first come first served basis.

AIJA Commissions involved
  • Corporate and M&A
  • Environmental and Energy Law
  • Litigation


TRACK #1: Doing business in LATAM

16:00 - 19:00

19:00 - 19:30

19:30 - 23:30

07:00 - 08:00

08:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 09:10

Arnoldo B. Lacayo, Sequor Law & Co-Chair of the Half-Year October Conference, United States
Eduardo J. De la Peña Bernal, Reed Smith LLP & Co-Chair of the Half-Year October Conference, United States
Paola Fudakowska, FCO Legal Directorate & AIJA President, United Kingdom
09:10 - 09:15

Pablo Vinageras, J&A Garrigues, S.L.P., Spain
09:15 - 10:30

Felipe Katz, Katz Advogados, Brazil
José Miguel Algorta, Estudio Algorta & Asociados, Uruguay 
Jose Luis Vega-Garrido, Goodrich Riquelme, Mexico
Paulo Nasser, M Nasser Dispute Resolution, Brazil
Alejandro Vargas Yong, Nassar Abogados, Costa Rica
10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15

Dominik Wagner, TIGGES Rechtsanwälte, Germany
Sandrine Richard, France
Ignacio Sanchez Vaqueiro, Gonzalez & Ferraro Mila – Casir – Di Iorio – Melhem, Argentina
Mark Beardsworth, BrownRudnick, United Kingdom
Mr. Andres Alva, Berkeley Research Group LLC, United States
12:15 - 13:15

12:15 - 13:15

13:15 - 14:30

Alexandra Maria Ologu, Monolit Legal & Tax, Romania
Diego Huertas del Pino, SHV abogados, Peru
Andres Sotomayor, Porzio, Ríos, García Abogados, Chile
Alex J Tolston, Hemisphere Media Group Inc., United States
14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:15

Moderator & Speaker:
Chiara Caliandro, De Berti Jacchia, Italy

Juan Ignacio San Martin, Urrejola Abogados , Chile
Johannes Struck, Brödermann Jahn, Germany
Marlyn Narkis, MDU Legal, Panama
16:30 - 17:30

16:30 - 17:30

- Commercial Fraud
- IBLC incl. Sports Law
- Insolvency
- International Arbitration
- Tax Law
- T.R.A.D.E. (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-commerce)
18:45 - 19:30

19:30 - 01:00

08:30 - 18:00

09:00 - 10:00

- Corporate and M&A
- Environment & Energy Law
- International Private Clients and Family Law
- Intellectual Property, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (IPTMT)
- Labour Law incl. Immigration Law
- Litigation
09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:00

Moderator & Speaker:
Carlos Molino, Fabrega Molino, Panama

Juan M. Chaves Pernett, Holubova Advokati, United States
Ricardo Ampudia, Shook Hardy & Bacon, United States
Julio Gutierrez Morales, Ríos Ferrer, Guillén Llarena, Treviño y Rivera, S.C., Mexico
11:00 - 12:00

Gustaf Duhs, Stevens & Bolton LLP, United Kingdom
Karen Ruback, Grinberg Cordovil, Brazil
Andres Hidalgo, Jose Lloreda Camacho & Co, Colombia
Fernando Carreno, Von Wobeser y Sierra SC, Mexico
Camila Corvalan, Beccar Varela, Argentina
12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

- Transport law
12:00 - 13:00

13:00 - 15:30

Welcome & Introduction:
Paola Fudakowska, FCO Legal Directorate & AIJA President, United Kingdom
Friederike Henke, Buren N.V. & President of the Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) Commission, Netherlands
Max Mailliet, E2M - Etude Max Mailliet & Vice-President of the Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) Commission, Luxembourg
Leslie DePol
, Polarity Partnerships, United States
15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:00

Leslie DePol
, Polarity Partnerships, United States

08:30 - 13:00

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:00

- Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Real Estate
- Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL)
11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:00

TRACK #2: Cross-border disputes 2020: What to expect in the coming decade

16:00 - 19:00

19:00 - 19:30

19:30 - 23:30

07:00 - 08:00

08:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 09:10

Arnoldo B. Lacayo, Sequor Law & Co-Chair of the Half-Year October Conference, United States
Eduardo J. De la Peña Bernal, Reed Smith LLP & Co-Chair of the Half-Year October Conference, United States
Paola Fudakowska, FCO Legal Directorate & AIJA President, United Kingdom
09:10 - 09:15

Arnoldo B. Lacayo, Sequor Law, United States
09:15 - 10:30

Hunter Carter, Arent Fox LLP, United Kingdom
Raquel “Rocky” Rodriguez, McDonald Hopkins, United States
Javier Robalino, Ferrere, Ecuador
Clarissa Rodriguez, Reich Rodriguez, United States
Vladimir Meerovich, Peters and Peters, United Kingdom
10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15

Benjamin Wilson, Holland & Knight, United States
Sujey Herrera , Reed Smith, United States
Guillermo Bayas, Ejarque Abogados, Spain
Jovana Crncevic, Withers, United States
Jonathan Addo, British Virgin Islands
12:15 - 13:15

12:15 - 13:15

13:15 - 14:30

Ned Beale, Trowers, United Kingdom
Narghis Torres, Lex Finance, Peru
Francesca Salerno, Legance Avvocati, Italy
Melissa Pallett-Vasquez, Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP, United States
Rodrigo Da Silva, Rodrigo S. Da Silva, P.A., United States
14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:15

Daniel Meyers, Transperfect, United States
Cabell Clay, Moore & Van Allen, United States
Rosie Wild, Cooke, Young & Keidan, United Kingdom
George Ngengwe, Shook Hardy & Bacon, United States
Tero Kovanen, Borenius, Finland
16:30 - 17:30

16:30 - 17:30

- Commercial Fraud
- IBLC incl. Sports Law
- Insolvency
- International Arbitration
- Tax Law
- T.R.A.D.E. (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-commerce)
18:45 - 19:30

19:30 - 01:00

08:30 - 18:00

09:00 - 10:00

- Corporate and M&A
- Environment & Energy Law
- International Private Clients and Family Law
- Intellectual Property, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (IPTMT)
- Labour Law incl. Immigration Law
- Litigation
09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:00

Marcelo Diaz-Cortes, Levine Kellogg Lehman Schneider& Grossman, United States
Cristina Vicens, Sequor Law, United States
Eliseo M. Martinez, IUS+AEQUITAS Law Office, Spain
Gustavo De Marco, Compass Lexecon, Argentina
Emmanuel Kaspereit, Archipel, France
11:00 - 12:00

Colin Delaney, Smith Gambrell & Russell, United States
Sandra Friedrich, University of Miami School of Law, United States
Sophia Rolle-Kapousouzoglou, Lennox Paton, Bahamas
Aimee Prieto, Prieto Cabrera & Asociados, Dominican Republic
12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

- Transport law
12:00 - 13:00

13:00 - 15:30

Welcome & Introduction:
Paola Fudakowska, FCO Legal Directorate & AIJA President, United Kingdom
Friederike Henke, Buren N.V. & President of the Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) Commission, Netherlands
Max Mailliet, E2M - Etude Max Mailliet & Vice-President of the Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) Commission, Luxembourg
Leslie DePol
, Polarity Partnerships, United States
15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:00

Leslie DePol, Polarity Partnerships, United States

09:00 - 10:00

09:00 - 13:00

10:00 - 11:00

- Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Real Estate
- Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL)
11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:00

TRACK #3: Oil & gas 2020: Fossil fuels in a renewable world

16:00 - 19:00

19:00 - 19:30

19:30 - 23:30

07:00 - 08:00

08:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 09:10

Arnoldo B. Lacayo, Sequor Law & Co-Chair of the Half-Year October Conference, United States
Eduardo J. De la Peña Bernal, Reed Smith LLP & Co-Chair of the Half-Year October Conference, United States
Paola Fudakowska, FCO Legal Directorate & AIJA President, United Kingdom
09:10 - 09:15

Carlos Del Razo, Solcargo, Mexico
Daria Capotorto, MGM - Studio Legale, Italy 

09:15 - 10:30

Jeroen De Coninck, Advocatenkantoor De Coninck, Belgium
Cecilia Curiel, Solcargo, Mexico
Diana Pineda, Gonzalez Calvillo, Mexico
Willy A. Carvajal, LatamLex Abogados, Costa Rica
10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:15

Moderator & Speaker:
Carlos del Razo, Solcargo, Mexico
Ramona Wyss, Walder Wyss, Switzerland
Ken Rivlin, Allen & Overy, United States
12:15 - 13:15

12:15 - 13:15

13:15 - 14:30

Larry Pascal, Haynes and Boone, United States
Lucas Leite, Kincaid, Brazil
Anaid Lopez, Rodríguez Dávalos Abogados - RDA, Mexico
Renzo Roberti, Barrios & Fuentes Abogados, Peru
14:30 - 15:00

15:00 - 16:15

Daria Capotorto, MGM Studio Legale, Italy
Evelyne Mbula Nzuki, MN Legal, Kenya
Hector Garza Cervera, Ritch Mueller, Mexico
Gaston Fernandez, Hogan Lovells, United States
16:30 - 17:30

- Commercial Fraud
- IBLC incl. Sports Law
- Insolvency
- International Arbitration
- Tax Law
- T.R.A.D.E. (Trade, Retail, Agency, Distribution, E-commerce)
16:30 - 17:30

18:45 - 19:30

19:30 - 01:00

08:30 - 18:00

09:00 - 10:00

- Corporate and M&A
- Environment & Energy Law
- International Private Clients and Family Law
- Intellectual Property, Technology, Media, and Telecommunications (IPTMT)
- Labour Law incl. Immigration Law
- Litigation
09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:00

Madeleine Edqvist, Lindahl, Sweden
Caterina Carreman, Foyen Advokatfirma, Sweden 
Andres Chaves, Akin Gump, United States
Andrew Stakelum, King & Spalding, United States
11:00 - 12:00

Carlos del Razo, Solcargo, Mexico
Perla Gizeh Díaz Taracena, Hogan Lovells, Mexico
Stefan Müller, Wenger & Vieli AG, Switzerland
Jeffrey Bast, Bast Amron LLP, United States
12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

12:00 - 13:00

- Transport law
13:00 - 15:30

Leslie DePol, Polarity Partnerships, United States
15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 18:00

Leslie DePol, Polarity Partnerships, United States


09:00 - 13:00

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 11:00

- Healthcare & Life Sciences
- Real Estate
- Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL)
11:00 - 11:30

11:30 - 13:00

ROUNDTABLE SESSION: M&A Transactions in the Americas and Europe - Similarities And Differences

09:00 - 10:00

Chaired by 
Rainer Kaspar, PHH & Vice-President of the AIJA Corporate and M&A Commission , Austria
10:00 - 12:00

Rainer Kaspar, PHH, Austria
Carlos del Rio, Creel, Garcia-Cuellar, Aiza y Enriquez, Mexico
Anthony MacPherson, Kingsley Napley, United Kingdom
Lars Raedschelders, Sherpa, Belgium
Pablo Vinageras, Garrigues, Spain
Beatriz Cabal, Galindo, Arias & Lopez, Panama
Otavio Carneiro, Akerman, United States
Alejandra Garcia, Ferrere, Uruguay

Fees & General Info

There are currently no registration fees available.

General terms and conditions

By registering you have to accept the general terms and conditions and accept that your registration is considered binding immediately, but participation to the event is possible only after full payment of the registration fee.

Please note that any arrangements related to the participation of the participant in an AIJA event, including but not limited to booking or cancellation of accommodation or flights, as well as respecting the cancellation deadlines indicated in the general terms and conditions, are the sole responsibility of the participant. AIJA shall not be held liable for any expenses the participant may suffer as the result of participant’s failure to comply with his/her obligations.

It is recommended for each participant to purchase a cancellation and travel insurance.

Please note that in-house counsel registrations are subject to review and confirmation by AIJA. AIJA considers in-house counsel professionals who hold a university degree in law allowing access to a bar association and practicing law as an in-house counsel in private, public, or non-profit companies, institutions or organisations. Please note that in-house counsel who are at the same time active as fee-earning lawyers or consultants are not eligible to the discounted in-house counsel fee.

Please read the general terms and conditions applicable for AIJA events.


If you are a lawyer under 35 years old and meet the requirements, apply to our Scholarship Programme for this event. You can check more details here.

Practical Information

Conference Venue


EAST, Miami
is Swire Hotels’ first venture into North America, following the openings of EAST in Hong Kong and Beijing. Centrally located within a 15 minute drive from the Miami International Airport, EAST, Miami is situated on top of Brickell City Centre, conveniently connected to popular districts such as Wynwood, the Design District, and South Beach. With a vibrant restaurant scene, sleek and thoughtful guestrooms, and a variety of retail shops, the hotel offers a unique mix of customized guest services and cutting-edge technology.

EAST, Miami 
788 Brickell Plaza 
Miami FL 33131 - USA
T +1 305 712 7000
F +1 305 373 2282

Accommodation booking - !!! PREFERENTIAL RATES AVAILABLE UNTIL THU. 10 OCTOBER - 6.00PM CET !!!

Bedrooms have been pre-booked at the conference hotel at the following preferential rates for AIJA Participants:

Guest Room (single or double occupancy): 259.00 USD per night incl. free Wi-Fi + 13% state and local taxes
Continental breakfast for 1 (one) guest daily per room is included in the above rate. (Continental breakfast rate: 31$)
Rates available 3 days Pre and Post based on availability. 

Please note that rooms will be allocated on a first come first served basis according to availability. To make a reservation: 
- Click here for direct access to the on-line booking webpage
- Enter the group code “AIJA2019” in the hotel website www.east-miami.com to be directed to the group page
- Contact the East Hotel In House Reservations Line +1 786 805 4626 to make reservations by telephone with the code AIJA2019

Get to the Hotel 

The Uber/Lyft Apps are usually used by locals and preferred to the yellow cabs. Please consider a $20 fare from the airport to the EAST Hotel.

Metrorail is the other option during the day or early evening.  The Brickell Metrorail station stop is 0.3 miles from the EAST Hotel (+/- a 7-minute walk). Metrorail would not be recommended for anyone arriving either very early or very late as the trains run less frequently.  More info can be found here:   https://www.miamiandbeaches.com/plan-your-trip/transportation/how-to-get-to-downtown-miami-from-the-airport 

Quick & Affordable Option: Metrorail Orange Line

By far the easiest and cheapest option, just hop on the MIA Mover, an automated train system, from the airport to the Miami Intermodal Center, which is located nearby. The MIA Mover train station at the airport is located on the third level between the Dolphin and Flamingo Garages. Use the third level Skyride (moving walks) to access the MIA Mover station. Then it’s about a four-minute ride.

Once you get to the Miami Intermodal Center (which is just a fancy name for our airport transportation hub), you’ll take the Metrorail Orange Line ($2.25 per person, per trip) to the BRICKELL stop. Read more about taking public transportation in Miami.

Traveler Tip: There are two apps for iPhone and Android mobile devices that will help you navigate public transportation: the Miami-Dade Transit Tracker and the Miami Trolley App.


Organising Committee

Giovanni ANGLES Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP (UNITED STATES)
Rodrigo DA SILVA Law Offices of Rodrigo S. Da Silva, P.A. (UNITED STATES)
Kimberly DE LA CRUZ Law Offices of Rodrigo S. Da Silva, P.A. (UNITED STATES)
Colin DELANEY Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP (UNITED STATES)
Carlos Federico DELRAZO OCHOA Ecija Mexico, S.C. (MEXICO)
Perry MACLENNAN Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A. (UNITED STATES)
Renzo ROBERTI VIDAL Barrios Fuentes - Abogados (PERU)
Cristina VICENS BEARD Bluestone Law international (UNITED STATES)
Benjamin WILSON Holland & Knight LLP (UNITED STATES)


Personal Protection

The personal data that you communicate to us shall be processed by the International Association Of Young Lawyers (AIJA), with its registered office at Avenue de Tervueren 231, 1150 Brussels, Belgium (Tel: +32 2 347 33 34 - office@aija.com), in accordance with Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms and Regulation No. 2016/679 on data protection, as of its entry into force on May 25, 2018.

Your data will be managed by AIJA's General Services, Events and Accounts Section:

  • For the purpose of administering your registration for the event and your on-site access to the event;
  • In order to pay for the selected services - your bank details will be deleted after receipt of your payment;
  • In order to communicate information messages from AIJA.

To the extent necessary for the execution of their respective tasks, our subcontractors in charge of our seminar organisation, our IT infrastructure, our management, the production and maintenance of our website and extranet, are likely to gain access to your data from time to time. Their servers are located in the European Union.

Data relating to your participation in the event shall be stored for a period of 10 years. We are obliged to archive billing data until the end of the period required for our tax and accounting obligations, i.e. for 7 full tax years.

We shall store your contact information to keep you informed until you ask us to stop. You have the right to access your data and have it corrected if necessary.