Half-Year November Conference: Building Leadership Skills for Success

Dubrovnik, Croatia

22 November 2018 - 24 November 2018

Building Leadership Skills for Success

Thursday 22 November 2018

15:00 » 19:00 Registration at the Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik
19:30 Welcome dining reception at La Bodega

Friday 23 November 2018

07:00 » 08:00 Running for Human Rights in Dubrovnik
08:00 » 18:00 Registration & Welcome desk
09:00 » 09:15 Welcome and Introduction to the Conference
Xavier Costa, AIJA President, Roca Junyent SLP, Spain & Organising Committee representative

 A one-day interactive and thought-provoking workshop by Darko Marković, executive coach and leadership development expert, Inn.Side – learning and development, Serbia.
The workshop will run throughout the day and will be structured into four discovery tracks featuring inspirational ideas, group exercises and self-reflection moments.
09:15 » 09:20 Introduction to the Workshop and presentation of the expert trainer
Stepan Holub, Holubová advokáti s.r.o., Czech Republic on behalf of the Skills, Career, Innovation, Leadership and Learning (SCILL) Commission
09:20 » 11:00 Discovery track #1: Understanding leadership. Do you have a leadership mindset?
·        What makes better leaders. Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset
·        Is leadership given by a formal position or earned and recognised by others?
·        Leadership is about leading change. What is leadership courage and integrity?
11:00 » 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 » 13:00 Discovery track #2: Drive the change. How to create resonance as a leader
·        How do great leaders move us?
·        Emotional intelligence in leadership
·        Self-awareness for effective leadership
13:00 » 14:00 Lunch
14:00 » 15:30 Discovery track #3: Inspire others. Inspirational vs. Transformative leadership
·        Are you a transformative leader? What is the transformation that you bring to other people?
·        What is the source of inspiration in inspirational leadership? How to inspire others?
15:30 » 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 » 17:30 Discovery track #4: Empower yourself and others. How to sustain learning and growing as a leader
·        What is your leadership drive?
·        How to handle power stress better
·        How to maintain leadership resilience. Strategies for leadership renewal and personal empowerment
17:30 » 17:45 Wrap up & briefing on Saturday workshops
Xavier Costa, AIJA President, Roca Junyent SLP, Spain
18:45 Meeting in the Hilton Lobby & departure of shuttles
19:15 Aperitif at Sunset Beach Dubrovnik
20:00 » 20:30 The art of diplomacy: inspirational lessons for leaders
Interview with Keynote Speaker Eric van der Linden, Former Head of Delegation of the European Union to Slovenia, Slovakia and Kenya
20:30 » 02:00 Conference dinner & afterparty at Sunset Beach Dubrovnik

Saturday 24 November 2018

08:30 » 13:00 Registration & Welcome desk


3 workshops run in parallel, organised and facilitated respectively by the Forum of the Commissions, Law Course Committee and Membership Forum at AIJA.
Participants are invited to attend the workshop that is relevant for their work in AIJA or for their ambitions in general.
09:00 » 10:30

A/ Membership Forum: From zero to hero. Supercharge your personal brand
The Membership Forum (MF) of AIJA is the management committee of AIJA in charge of membership retention and recruitment activities. The Forum is composed of National Representatives, Contact Persons and Regional Representatives.

Francois Barré, Azam-Darley et Associé, France
Michaela Pelinka, bpv Hügel Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Austria
Tomas Rybar, ČECHOVÁ & PARTNERS s. r. o., Slovakia

Part #1: Grow your influence. How to build your personal brand online
Corina Pirva, Marketing & Communications Officer, AIJA, Belgium
·        Learn how to build your profile online
·        Learn how to use social media to build a strong personal brand in your legal community
·        Identify the do’s and don’ts in social media by looking at general rules as well as case studies from other AIJA members

Part #2: Build your reputation. How to present your association work externally
Darko Marković, executive coach and leadership development expert, Inn.Side – learning and development, Serbia
·        Learn how to leverage your work in AIJA to develop your leadership, reputation and visibility in your law firm and the wider legal community

Part #3: Become a problem solver. Tips & tricks
·        Showcase best practices in solving typical challenges in an international association (e.g. membership decrease, lack of active involvement of members, negotiating with your law firms to take part in association events/projects)
·        Learn how to be successful in your role in an international association
·        Membership Forum Wrap-up

B/ Forum of the Commissions: Past, present and future. How to take on a role in AIJA
The Forum of the Commissions (FoC) of AIJA has the overall responsibility for coordinating the activities of the Commissions in AIJA. The Forum monitors the activities of the Commissions and actively takes part in the improvement and quality control of the scientific work produced within AIJA.

David Diris, Kocks & Partners, Belgium
Jean-Rodolphe Fiechter, Kellerhals Carrard, Switzerland
Rebecka Thörn, Advokatfirman Delphi, Sweden

Ayse Ulku Solak, Moroglu Arseven, Turkiye

Part #1: Past – Learning from previous experience
·        Identify the process of becoming an AIJA officer in the FoC
·        Discuss the expectations and share feedback from past experiences in this role
·        Discuss guidelines, handbooks or tools that may be needed to improve the sharing of information, documents, knowledge etc. in the FoC

Part #2: Present – How to communicate, engage and be active
·        Communications. Discuss the communications processes with new members, existing members, other officers or commissions, the Bureau or Extended Bureau, Brussels secretariat, and other organisations in the context of the GDPR.
·        Succession. Explain the succession and transition process in AIJA, specifically the role of current officers during new appointments.
·        Interactivity. Explore best practices in getting new or other members involved or related to mentoring within the association, initiatives across commissions, meetings during AIJA events or outside the official events.
·        Events. Discuss the role of officers and commissions in planning and organising events in AIJA. Learn how to engage with the appointed organising committee for an event. Learn how to set up and budget an event, involve external speakers and trainers. Learn how to work with the AIJA event tool. Discuss how to plan events with other organisations.

Part #3: Future – How to evolve the work of the Commissions
·        Discuss the work of current commissions and ways to evolve the association towards new topics, new commissions.
·        Discuss ways of working within the commissions. Identify need for fixed rules.
·        Discuss ways to leverage current practices to develop new initiatives.

C/ Law Course Committee: From a good idea to a successful AIJA event. Team work makes the dream work
The Law Course Committee (LCC) of AIJA is the management committee of AIJA responsible for the calendar of events organised by the association throughout the year.

Ned Beale, Trowers & Hamlins LLP, United Kingdom
Kristine Zvejniece, Rödl & Partner Attorneys-at-Law Ltd, Latvia

Viktoria Kerí, Events Coordinator, AIJA, Belgium
Corina Pirva, Marketing & Communications Officer, AIJA, Belgium

How to plan, promote and run a successful event from A to Z
·        Ways of working within your commission and with other commissions in AIJA
·        How to set up the right organising committee for your event
·        How to budget your event, choose the right venues and get sponsorships
·        How to set up the right timeline to ensure your event planning flows smoothly
·        Tips on how to develop a scientific programme and select speakers to attract your audience
·        Guidelines on how to set up a social programme for your event
·        How to use the AIJA event tool for better planning
·        How to communicate wisely within the organising committee, as well as with the LCC, commissions and AIJA Brussels secretariat before, during and after your event
·        Requirements to be able to open the registrations for your event

10:30 » 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 » 12:30 Continuation of Workshops

A/ Membership Forum: From zero to hero. Supercharge your personal brand

B/ Forum of the Commissions: Past, present and future. How to take on a role in AIJA

C/ Law Course Committee: From a good idea to a successful AIJA event. Team work makes the dream work
12:30 » 13:00 Wrap-up & take-away messages
Darko Marković, executive coach and leadership development expert, Inn.Side – learning and development, Serbia
13:00 End of the Conference
14:45 Optional City Tour: Old City Highlights Tour OR Game of Thrones Tour
19:30 Optional dinner